Sprouting LifestyleBryan Thompson11 March 2025Well, Seeds, Sprouting, LORD, Harvest, Sowing, PastorComment
Two Weeks! Travel, FamilyBryan Thompson10 March 2025Church, Commissioning, Services, Life Group, Home Group, Lisburn, Fintona, FamiliesComment
78 Pages 🙈 TravelBryan Thompson8 March 2025Hawaii, Oral Bible Translation, Trip, Medical Insurance, Immigration, LORD, PNGComment
Provision TravelBryan Thompson6 March 2025Provision, LORD, Dubai, Hilton, Hotel, Singapore, Brisbane, HallelujahComment
PNG 🇵🇬 Info Travel, BibleBryan Thompson5 March 2025PNG, Papua New Guinea, Oral Bible Translation, YWAM, Madang, Jesus, Film, Luke, Bible Society, Wycliffe, LanguagesComment
It's All About Those Who Haven't Travel, BibleBryan Thompson4 March 2025Oral Bible Translation, Papua New Guinea, PNG, Jesus, YWAM, YWAM Ships Kona, Madang, Bible, Word of GodComment
What is This Trip All About? TravelBryan Thompson3 March 2025Papua New Guinea, YWAM, Youth With A Mission, Dominican Republic, GlobalComment
Countdown: 23 Days to Go! TravelBryan Thompson1 March 2025PNG, Papua New Guinea, Trip, Jesus, Good News, March, LORDComment