Where Jesus is alive among His people in desert places!
Amarilis and I have been in Abu Dhabi now for just over 10 days or so, and have been thrilled to be somewhere warm (at last!) and where the sun appears every day. A perfect place for us to have our sabbatical one would think. Quiet times to meditate on His Word and be still in His presence on the back deck … What better environment for spending our days doing a lot of detailed data organisation than here?
Sadly, Amarilis contracted a right dose (like the one I had in Turkey), and has been laid up in bed for the best part of our time here. Today she managed to spend the day out of bed, and is showing evidence of finally putting distance between herself and the fevers and irritating coughs.
One huge blessing was taking part in a delightful gathering of believers in a church where we were deeply refreshed not only by His presence, but by the amazing reality and privilege of being among His Body alive and very well here in these desert places! Wow!
Enjoy a little bit of the worship that rose from hundreds of people gathered this morning to praise His Name: