Freedom from stuff


There’s a lot of talk about minimalism these days. Maybe it’s because people tire of chasing the latest shiny object, are exhausted from the rat race around them, or are just plain fed up with stuff and junk surrounding and stifling their lives. (For more about minimalism have a look here or here in its effect on depressed men).

With a call this year into our current lifestyle we knew we could not invest in different countries with stints of ministry lasting 3-9 months at a time … and also look after a home.

So we knew we had to give up our (rented/only) home. Then we realised to travel with no place to store things, we would need to give up a lot of stuff.

In essence to many we became “minimalists”.

Ask Amarilis what she feels about having no home anymore and she will probably tell you that she feels “free”!

Reducing down to a few suitcases and setting out in May on our new life we very much entered into a new freedom that continues today. Yes, it has its challenges to follow Jesus in the nations without having a home, but, really we’re ‘not quite homeless’, and have seen His provision of beds and lodging in many places already on four continents!

Add to that the amount of people who have come up to us privately, saying, “When you’re in this place (country), this is your home!” Yes, God is faithful and is looking after us. And we’re enjoying that freedom from stuff in more ways than we had expected. What a privilege it is!