Times and Seasons
In my readings this morning there was considerable emphasis on the spiritual significance of times and seasons. Jesus even castigated the Pharisees and Sadducees for not being able to discern the times and seasons (Matthew xvi 3).
I turned to the LORD and asked Him about what season we are now in and, unsurprisingly in the light of our upcoming trip to Papua New Guinea, I felt He said very clearly, “A season of preparation”.
Now such a season might appear to be one in which one does not appear to be doing anything significant with fruit-bearing results that can be observed—a quiet, background season, if you will—but for the next season of fruitfulness to be rich and at its fullest, one must dig deep and be very careful during this time of preparation.
Part of the preparation of a season like this is obviously what God is doing in me and wants to do in me. It must be therefore a time when I listen well and let Him form me and ‘tinker with the engine under the bonnet’.