And Then There Was That Praise Time on the Train …

The “Observation Car” on the majority of Amtrak trains was my favourite. It was a place to catch some quiet moments early in the morning when I wanted to seek the LORD and not disturb anyone sleeping in the coach class seats around us in ‘our’ neighbouring carriage.

It was also a good place to go to chat and strike up conversations with fellow travellers and to meet people from all over the world.

Also, with its enormous picture windows and even partially transparent roof, it was also my favourite place to go view the gorgeous landscapes and the wildlife, and to take pictures as well as record video clips of the world passing by as the train followed its many varied routes.

One morning, I was sitting in our observation carriage when an Amish family came in shortly after a group of middle-aged women had arrived. The women had been talking about care for elderly relatives and were clearly Christians.

That morning I was wearing my bold t-shirt that proclaims “GOD WINS - I have read the last chapter” and the Amish man read it out loud and said, “Praise Jesus!”

He then announced to the ladies about the writing on my t-shirt and they all turned to read it and exclaimed praise and joyful comments in response.

I was already beginning to wonder about this Amish man. He comes from a community that is noted for keeping to themselves and being from a tight knit group in general as well as famous for being quite reserved and humble.

When, a few minutes later, he boldly announced that he would like to sing us all a song, I could see he was clearly a brother in Christ. He, his wife and his son confidently led out in a delightful song all about holding on to the LORD when the going gets tough—a song I had never heard before.

His song received rapturous praise from us in response and he gave testimony as to why they love to sing it. Next the ladies (encouraged to do so by the Amish man) wanted to sing too. “Amazing Grace” was the song we all knew well and pretty soon we were all loudly singing that old hymn together in the carriage.

It was a remarkable, spontaneous and divinely ordained praise time with fellow travellers as we made a super encouraging start to our day by singing together the LORD’s praises before breakfast. And … not in a church, but ‘having church’ as we sped along on a public train.

What a memory to cherish from our month on American “railroads”!