
A week ago today there was a gathering of schoolchildren from eight years old to eighteen from all over Uganda, who braved the hot sun to spend the day seeking God, in worship and hearing His Word preached.

20,000 youth gathered in the open air for what was one of the most moving events of our time here in Uganda.

As the Word of God was preached the Holy Spirit spontaneously fell upon the audience and many were called, spoken to, convicted and powerfully impacted as a result. The ushers had a challenging job dealing with the outpouring taking place, and ministering to the ones who were being touched (some for the first time ever) by God’s Spirit.

As the picture shows—zoom in to see—literally hundreds of young people rushed to the front to give their lives to the LORD. It was exceptionally moving to view all those hands raised and the sea of youth committing their all to Jesus.

Not only were youth finding faith and new life in Jesus, but there were many other things happening quite spontaneously as the youth responded to the Word preached. Three deaf young ones we know about were healed and received their hearing.

This whole experience was a sight and a moment in time many will long remember. It certainly was a highlight for our trip this month.