Stepping Into 2024

The effect of thousands of mobile phone torches being held aloft on part of the grounds where the Night of Prayer occurred

It was our privilege to join the throngs of people who gathered on New Year’s Eve, filling 13 acres of land in the centre of Kampala (the Ugandan capital), to pray into the New Year in a through-the-night time of prayer.

I knew it was to be one of those memorable experiences that stay etched in the memory for years to come. Coming from four continents, multiple nations and from every corner of Uganda, and spanning twelve hours in length (from 18:00 on 31st December until 06:00 on 1st January) it was one massive event.

Interspersed by two lengthy periods, when the tens of thousands gathered prayed “Korean style”, the speaker for the night was Ugandan visionary Apostle Grace Lubega.

For those interested in the landmark sermon, I have cut to the point (in the four plus hour recording of the event) just after the first period of prayer, where the speaker has a video clip playing of some prophetic announcements made at the start of 2023 with subsequent media news items corroborating those declarations when they appeared throughout the year.

Following the clip the speaker then took us through pronouncements for this year, 2024, and gave a challenging message to the Body of Christ as we entered on the cusp of the year.

That message can be heard here.

After the sermon and following an hour of more Korean style praying, the Holy Spirit began to move powerfully upon the congregated crowds, and in response to some words of particular physical afflictions being declared healed, testimonies flowed and multiple healings took place throughout the gathering in the three locations of the event.

That period of the event can be viewed here.

Needless to say this has been an outstanding beginning to our visit to Uganda this month, as well as a movingly motivational moment to launch into the new year, and also, for my wife and me, a new season in our lives.