not quite homeless

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Now the Rain Has Gone

It was about a year ago now. I was sitting in a friend’s house, and we were chatting about what had happened a while ago to his son. The boy had an anwful eyesight problem and had to wear really thick glasses or he'd be as blind as a bat—a real challenge for a growing teen’s confidence, as you can imagine.

The work of God now going on in Fintona was just beginning and the visiting Bible teacher from Africa was holding some initial meetings in the town and had a word from God that there were people present with eye issues. The boy knew he needed to go forward for prayer, and somewhat astonished by his bold insistence his parents let him head up front. The result? The fellow experienced the power of God on his life and ended up with perfect eyesight and has not worn glasses since.

In July, just before my wife and I took some time aside, I had been increasingly upset by my glasses. They were getting old and flimsy. I had already sat on them by mistake and needed to get new frames. I got a cheap pair of those before we left the USA in 2021, but they were annoying me now.

They were pretty fancy lenses. Refractive (becoming light in the dark and changing instantly to darker like sunglasses when I walked into bright sunshine). When I first got them I was super happy, because even in the desert at midday I did not need sunglasses. No more switching between TWO pairs of prescription spectacles.

Not only this, but, since my eyes were a funny (rugby ball) shape and one was weak seeing into the distance and the other up close, I have enjoyed vari-focals for a number of years. Lifting my head slightly I could bring small print in front of me into crystal clarity. And then looking straight forward I could see small birds in the distance with sharp focus. Pretty cool. Amazing technology, really.

However, a trip last year to the optician’s and a change of prescription was not something I was wanting to face financially, so I kept the old glasses. The prescription was fine, but the specs were a little worse for wear.

One evening in July I was sitting in a prayer meeting and saw the young man whose eyes were healed. I felt impressed to ask him to pray for me. He did and, in a rather amusing turn of events, the power of God hit him, but I knew I was healed.

I decided to take my glasses off and drove the car back to where we were staying—an hour or so away—and was able to see well. I decided to leave the specs behind when we went to the Middle East a couple of weeks later, which was a big step for me, and yet, I did not need the glasses at all for the entire five weeks. And, my eyesight has been getting even better ever since.

One day, when I came back from our trip, I found my prescription sunglasses in a case as we moved house (for the seventh time these past eighteen months!). I tried them on and immediately had to take them off, because they were a shock to the system and made me see all blurry! They got donated after that to a recycling optician.

I have not worn glasses since receiving prayer in July (except non-prescription sunglasses), and I fully expect that my eyesight will reach 20/20 and even better, and, that the colour blindness that I have had since childhood will be gone when/if I get it tested again!

What does that old song say? “I can see clearly now the rain has gone”! Better than that fresh clarity after rain … the LORD told me my “youth is renewed like the eagle’s” (Psa. ciii 5), and I know that includes my eyes! Praise God!