That Presence

I woke up early this morning reflecting on last Sunday’s “experience” — two days ago!

What struck me was the hunger in my heart for what I was seeing in my mind’s eye. It was a picture of the group of women at the back of the room, who had been happily nattering to one another moments before. Now they were looking across the room, in enrapt silence at what was happening at the front before their very eyes. It was the awe on their faces. It was the open mouths. That was my “Kodak moment”, my enduring take away from church on Sunday.

They were seeing the miracle of God happening, but, as I awoke I was seeing them and I was awed by that awesome Presence of God. Yes, I was excited and amazed too — and felt hugely privileged to witness this miracle — seeing a man with such a terrible disease healed, but oh! the Presence! That’s what got me!

I heard a brother from Uganda, who has seen the dead raised on several occasions as well as many outstanding, incredible miracles happen, and he said it’s not that we should get crazy excited about the miraculous. These things should be normal in our lives as followers of Jesus. Our desire must be for HIM, and seeing Him get focus and glory.

Likewise, it’s not about getting to Heaven to escape here, or to see loved ones departed, or the mansion prepared for us; eternal life is about knowing Him (John xvii 3) and that begins the moment you are born again!

“It’s not about the gift, but the Giver”, another preacher has said.

Picture your (or your friend’s) child with eyes glued on the present before them and grabbing it out of your hands without even a look towards you, nor a word of thanks, and you watch them run away within their gift. You’re happy for them, but they miss your smile, the look on your face and the chance to enjoy it with you.

May the fear of God so rest upon us that we never lose that desire for, and to be with, Him. The gifts are nice. They are even amazing. And they should be present everywhere, because our Father is like that. But I want to not miss the Giver. I want/need Him deeply. It’s the Presence I seek.