A Praise Party!

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Initially, it was an unexpected punch in the gut! I had hoped for those golden words: “Cancer Free”!

As I sat opposite my doctor this morning to get those craved for results to yesterday’s multiple tests, my mind began to whirl as I was told I was not yet categorised under “No Evidence of Disease”!

I quickly caught myself from a downward spiral by giving “an upward look” to hear the Father’s voice. I realised that the goal of having that ‘cancer free’ declaration was my own at this point in my journey and I was aware that I was in danger of missing all the glowing good news that my doctor was giving me today!

Putting aside my own hopes for this morning, I began to give thanks for all the amazing things that God has done since my last check-up. And I began to give thanks for “Great progress”, “very encouraging results”, no areas of poor figures, nor any other areas of cancerous activity in my body and organs, except for a very minute area in my lymph nodes where I need to concentrate my therapies and treatments for the next three months.

Also, don’t forget the outstanding skin change in the area where the melanoma (cancer) used to be on the back of my leg! No longer an ugly, discoloured, lump protruding from my leg, but smooth, skin. No lumps. No scars. No scabs. THAT alone is worth a huge praise party!