Go Dig Ditches!

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There is a fascinating story in the Bible where three kings decide to deal with a rebellious king and his people. (2 Kings iii 4-25)

As the three set out to do battle with the rebel they run out of water for their men and the cattle that were with them.

When they seek the LORD about the problem, complaining to Him that they were going to lose everything and be defeated, the LORD tells them through the prophet Elisha, "Thus saith the Lord, Make this valley full of ditches ... you shall not see wind, neither shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that you may drink, both you, and your cattle, and your beasts."

The story is quite amazing on many fronts, but these three kings (only one of whom was a true believer) actually followed these strange instructions from the prophet, and thus ended up with, not only a miracle provision, but also a wipe-out defeat of their enemy.

I don't know about you, but there are times when I am desperate for the LORD's intervention in my life and sometimes He answers with the weirdest of solutions, which require me stepping out in bold faith and obedience to see my provision and victory.

When I awoke this morning I was thinking of what a precarious situation our world is in right now. There is a lot of fear and dismay out there. Even among God’s people.

Only the day before yesterday I was talking to a woman in the supermarket who lost her best friend to suicide. Another man talked of a pastor who could take no more of this world, and took his own life.

In particular I awoke thinking about what some say may happen in this country from tomorrow, after events in Washington D. C.

There are conspiracy theories galore. What is true and what is "fake news"? Worldwide, are we near the end of civilisation as we know it? Will the "Great Reset" become a concerted global effort of the few to dominate? Will the vaccines contain DNA adjusting, mind controlling substances to make a people complicit? With so many divisions in this country and chaos in so many nations, are we heading for cataclysmic times?

I felt this morning as I awoke, that the One who has promised to be my/our Healer is the One who holds the future, not man. It is to Him we need to draw near right now. We should look in His Word to find the way like never before, and for the sustenance we need to continue to live out each day that He allows us to live, doing so for His Glory and as a reflection of His Love to all of hurting mankind.

Then this morning, in my first Bible reading, I read this: “Think about this: God can provide all you need, and He wants you to bring your requests to Him”.

Yes, in an uncertain world where all that is familiar is changing or gone, HE IS the Guide we should follow and He will never leave us nor forsake us. It is time to allow our troubles and concerns to press us closer to this God whom Jesus called "Father".

Also, Psalm 23 is very real to me right now. He is our Shepherd. He will lead us in paths of righteousness and still waters. He will lead us through the valley of the shadow of death. He will even prepare a feast for us in the presence of our enemies! And His goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives.

Let us have a Kingdom focus right now. The answer is not in politics, nor in conspiracy theories (even if they might turn out to be right). It is time to look for the way planned for each of our lives in the Bible. We need eyes fixed on the hand of the King. Ears attentive to His Word and bidding - even when He gives you a crazy command like, "Go dig ditches!".

When you obey you will see His miracle provision and victory. God just needs you to dig those crazy ditches!