Meditation - HWLW


Please make sure you have read the previous post on “nightly prep” before you tuck into this or you may find things going haywire on you when you put it into practice! 😟

Dawson Trotman, founder of The Navigators organisation, used to teach something that impacted me as a teen at Bible College and it has stuck with me ever since.

He used to challenge students at Bible camps, just before lights out, with these words: “HWLW! His Word, Last Word!” And then a passage of Scripture was read without comment for every student to meditate on as they lay on their beds. No talking allowed; it was each student’s duty to commune with the LORD in that passage.

As a Part 2 to ‘My Nightly Prep’ I absolutely refuse to allow any other thought interrupt me, when I have cast all those burdens on the LORD!

Meditating at night can be as simple as grabbing a verse (or the whole passage) from your morning Bible reading, and reflecting on it some more. Do you remember what you read in your Bible reading time? If not, open your Bible and read it again to refresh your memory.

Did something stand out for you when you read it before? Did that affect your day at all? What would life look like if that truth were in your life? Is God speaking anything to you right now from that passage? A challenge from the Father? Turn it into a prayer. Just keep turning that verse/passage over in your mind until you fall asleep.

Remember: HWLW - no distractions. If cares come in, give them to the LORD and go back to HWLW.

In the coming days I hope to outline a number of memorable tools you can employ to meditate in the Word (and not just at night), but next I want to tell you a story about how HWLW changed my life (and continues to do so)!