Ravi's gone

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I woke this morning thinking about him. I knew today would be a difficult day. He had been in my thoughts and prayers for much of the past 24 hours. 

Ravi Zacharias, founder of RZIM, a man I consider the greatest (Christian) apologist of our times, author of 28 books, well-beloved, deeply respected and widely known international speaker, and the kindest gentleman the modern world has ever seen, has gone home to be with Jesus.

Indian born, raised in Canada, and one who called Atlanta home for the last 37 years, Ravi has had a massive impact worldwide through his teaching and undying efforts to ‘help the thinker believe and the believer think’.

When I was young, through my experience with those who studied philosophy, I rather unkindly referred to such students as “foolosophers”, until I came across this amazing brother in Christ who could take you places in the discovery of truth that were nothing short of brilliant.  Ravi’s intellect and gifting was transformative in the hands of the LORD and always held me captivated. How he could take apparent contradictions and confusion in today’s world and bring everything back to Jesus, where it all makes sense!

I heard he had left us a few hours ago, while I was making my weekly sortie from lockdown to do something as mundane as grocery shop for the household. I was listening to a podcast playlist in the car as I drove along and suddenly, a podcast not on that playlist started playing. It was Let My People Think and it was Ravi.

I knew then he had gone. Confirmed a short while later by a text from my family.

In these past few days I had wrestled with thoughts of his imminent “untimely” death, and cried out to the LORD about who would or could replace Ravi. Surely in a confused time such as this, and one in which his steady, message of absolute truth about Jesus is still so needed, and increasingly so. How could he be taken now?

Ravi, there is none like you. You served us well. You showed us Jesus beautifully and radiantly. You served Him tirelessly. We weep because you have left us for now, praying for the dear family - Margie, Sarah, Nathan and Naomi also left behind, but we rejoice that there is now no more back, or any other, pain for you, and that you are experiencing the wonder of gazing on the face of the One we all long to behold. 

Mighty man of God, who led and taught by example, we thank God for your life, your legacy and your deposit in those of us who were privileged to hear you.  We thank God for your message. We look forward to seeing you again, one day, when He shall wipe away all our tears, when there will be no more pain, no more death, no more sorrow. Until then, when we shall renew fellowship, rest well, dear brother; you have earned it. 

Thank-you, Ravi Zacharias.