not quite homeless

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Are You Bored?

I have to ask this question … Is God boring? Is His Word a chore?

Somehow, before we can continue this theme of revival we have to ask these questions. Is your church experience predictable? Do you look forward to attending church and expect the LORD to do something amazing each time you go or is everything just ‘same, same’ and even something you do not relish?

Just a few thoughts on this:

  1. The Bible, especially Psalm 119, is full of words about the Scriptures being “satisfying”, “sweet as honey”, “riches” in which to “rejoice”, “good”, “delight”, “delight”, “delight” … Does that sound like a chore to you?

  2. Jesus said that those “born of the Spirit” would be like the wind, which “blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going”. A Christian is not designed to be “predictable”. How boring would that be! Yikes! Does it not stir your heart to read about being like the wind and that today, and every day, you can wake up and you can follow the Holy Spirit’s prompting into another adventure? Are you not hungry for that?

  3. God. In the Bible, whenever people had encounters with God—THE MOST EXCITING BEING in the universe (and outside it!)—they fainted, fell down, died, were healed, cried, experienced joy unspeakable, etc.

Are we so accustomed to ‘church’ and christianity that it is no longer alive .. to us and to those who know and meet us? Are we missing something? Is it possible to know God and to live a life in Him that is fulfilling, exciting (even in prison!), and incredibly satisfying?

Join us for the next post when we shall look at some people who met God in the Bible and how they responded. Then we will continue this story … 😃