not quite homeless

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Like a Comet

A short while before we left for the Middle East in July, the LORD showed me a picture of a jet of light, like a comet, that shot through the sky away from me and dropped over a mountain range, and, moments later, it mushroomed in slow motion into a ball of light.

The funny thing was I knew where that mountain range was! In fact this picture came as a word from the LORD that the decision we had taken to go to the Middle East was right on track. And that word held us through some very rocky days of trip preparation!

Anyway, when I saw it, I got excited believing that the LORD was going to bring us much needed revelation about next steps in our lives—and He did do some of that—but the amazing truth is that He showed us we were that ball of light or comet being sent over the mountain!

Over the 37 days that we spent in the Middle East in that place, over the mountain by the sea, after we met Jesus in the airport (see previous post), we saw the LORD bring people along to us asking for Bible stories, seeking “words of wisdom” (as one waiter in our hotel requested every day he was on duty!), and there were multiple opportunities to share Jesus and God’s Word with so many from all kinds of faith backgrounds.

One fun moment brought me into a forty-minute conversation and story time with a Hindu,a Muslim and an atheist. They were seated together in the hotel lobby lounge and I joked with them with the greeting, “Hey! You guys need permission to be in my office!” In the subsequent interchange between us they told me they were teachers, and, discovering I am a storyteller, they asked for a story. They got one, and we shared deeply from that Bible story about God’s care for those who are hurting or are disappointed with God. (Yes, even with an atheist participating with passion about God’s character!).

On another stunning night, I found myself talking to three individuals separately while just walking to my room. In fact it took me almost four hours to get to our room from just outside the hotel!

On that trip we saw more favour in one month than I have ever seen in my life! It was pretty incredible! Multiple stories, which I may be able to tell in future days, but it was the realisation that the LORD was causing a light to shine all across that beautiful, but dark place where we were and He was indeed impacting lives. What an immense privilege it is to partner with the Father in this earth!